Age germaine ahidjo biography

Germaine AhidjoGermaine Ahidjo Habiba[1], née le 91;réf. ;nécessaire93; à Mokolo et morte le à Dakar, est l'épouse du premier président de la république du Cameroun, Ahmadou Ahidjo. age germaine ahidjo biography

Dr amina wadud biography template

Amina WadudFirst woman in history to conduct Muslim religious ceremonies as an imamDate of Birth: Country: USAContent:Amina Wadud: The Trailblazing Muslim Scholar and ImamHistorical Trailblazer: Female Imam and Khutba LeaderHistoric Friday Prayer ImamatGlobal Influence and ControversiesAuthorship and ScholarshipLegacy and ImpactAmina Wadud: The Trailblazing Muslim Scholar and ImamEarly Life and EducationAmina Wadud was born in the United States. Her academic journey led her to pursue Arabic language studies in Egypt at the American University in Cairo, Cairo University, and Al-Azhar University. dr amina wadud biography template

Lance armstrong biography book names

Lance Armstrong Biography, Books, and Similar AuthorsLance Armstrong BiographyLance Armstrong was born in September , in Plano, Texas. He became a professional triathlete aged 16 and in the U. lance armstrong biography book names

Sherry baraat biography

Sherry Barrat Northern Trust Bank of California NA Northern Trust Bank of California NAMajor BanksFinanceNorthern Trust Bank of California NA engages as a full service bank. It accepts deposits, makes loans, and provides other services for the public. sherry baraat biography

Amar g bose biography

Boy ScoutNever Lose Your Imagination. When he was about 10 years old, Amar Bose went on a camping trip with his Boy Scout troop where he earned merit badges, like the Radio Badge shown here. amar g bose biography

Shibli nomani biography in hindi

शिबली नोमानीशिबली नोमानी (उर्दू: علامہ شبلی نعمانی - अल्लामह सिब्ली नोमनी; ३ जून - 18 नवंबर ) ब्रिटिश राज के दौरान भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप के एक इस्लामी विद्वान थे। उनका जन्म वर्तमान उत्तर प्रदेश के आजमगढ़ जिले के बिंदवाल में हुआ था। 91;193; वे में आजमगढ़ में शिबली नेशनल कॉलेज और दारुल मुसानिफिन (राइटर्स हाउस) की स्थापना के लिए मशहूर हैं। नोमानी अरबी, फारसी, तुर्की और उर्दू के एक महान दानिश्वर थे। वे कवि भी थे। उन्होंने इस्लाम के पैगंबर मुहम्मद के जीवन पर बहुत सारी सामग्री एकत्र की, लेकिन नियोजित कार्य के केवल पहले दो खंड सीरत-उन-नबी लिख सके। उनके शिष्य सुलेमान नदवी ने इस सामग्री का उपयोग किया और अपने गुरु की मृत्यु के बाद काम के शेष पांच खंड, सीरत-उन-नबी भी लिखे। 91;293;प्रारंभिक जीवन[संपादित करें]नोमानी की पैदाइश एक मुस्लिम राजपूत परिवार शेख हबीबुल्लाह और मोकीमा खातून के घर हुई थी, उनके पूर्वज श्योराज सिंह एक बैस थे जिन्होंने कई पीढ़ियों पहले इस्लाम क़बूल कर लिया था, 91;393;91;293; अगरचे उनके छोटे भाई तीलीम के लिए लंदन, इंग्लैंड गए और बाद में इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय में कार्यरत बैरिस्टर के रूप में लौट आए।91;493;नोमानी ने पारंपरिक इस्लामी शिक्षा प्राप्त की। नोमानी का नाम अबू-बक्र अल शिबली के नाम पर रखा गया था जो एक सूफी संत और जुनैद बगदादी के मुरीद थे। नोमानी ने बाद में अपने नाम के साथ नोमानी लगाया। उनके उस्ताद मौलाना मुहम्मद फारूक चिरयाकोटि थे, जो एक तर्कवादी आलीम थे, जो सर सैयद के पुरज़ोर मुखालिफ थे। नोमानी की पृष्ठभूमि का यह पहलू शायद अलीगढ़ और सर सैयद के साथ उनके द्विपक्षीय संबंधों की ज़ाहिर करता है। चिरयाकोट कनेक्शन अहम है। डेविड लैलीवेल्ड ने लिखा है कि चिरयाकोट 'उलेमा के एक विशिष्ट तर्कवादी और उदार स्कूल' का केंद्र था, जिन्होंने मुताज़ालाइट धर्मशास्त्र का अध्ययन किया, ग्रीक विज्ञान और दर्शन के प्रारंभिक अरब विकास के साथ-साथ संस्कृत और हिब्रू जैसी भाषाओं का भी मुताला किया। इसलिए नोमानी के पास अलीगढ़ द्वारा आकर्षित और विकर्षित होने की वजहें मौजूद थीं । अलीगढ़ में फारसी और अरबी के शिक्षक के तौर पर पद हासिल करने के बाद भी, उन्होंने हमेशा कॉलेज में बौद्धिक माहौल को निराशाजनक पाया, और अंततः अलीगढ़ को खैराबाद कह दीया क्योंकि उन्होंने इसे असंगत पाया, हालांकि उन्होंने सर सैयद के बाद में उनकी मृत्यु तक आधिकारिक तौर पर कॉलेज से इस्तीफा नहीं दिया। 91;593;Versatile Scholar Shibli Nomani remembered today Associated Press Of Pakistan website, Published 18 November , Retrieved 16 July अआProfile of Shibli Nomani on websiteArchived at the वेबैक मशीन Published 11 March , Retrieved 16 July Khan, Javed Ali (). Early Urdu Historiography. shibli nomani biography in hindi

Short biography of rakesh sharma in hindi

राकेश शर्मा का जीवन परिचय एवं उनसे जुड़ी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारीहोम ; सामान्य ज्ञान ; जीवनी ; विश्व के प्रसिद्ध अंतरिक्ष यात्री ; राकेश शर्मा का जीवन परिचय एवं उनसे जुड़ी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारीइस अध्याय के माध्यम से हम जानेंगे राकेश शर्मा (Rakesh Sharma) से जुड़े महत्वपूर्ण एवं रोचक तथ्य जैसे उनकी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी, शिक्षा तथा करियर, उपलब्धि तथा सम्मानित पुरस्कार और भी अन्य जानकारियाँ। इस विषय में दिए गए राकेश शर्मा से जुड़े महत्वपूर्ण तथ्यों को एकत्रित किया गया है जिसे पढ़कर आपको प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी करने में मदद मिलेगी। Rakesh Sharma Biography and Interesting Facts in Hindi. राकेश शर्मा का संक्षिप्त सामान्य ज्ञाननामराकेश शर्मा (Rakesh Sharma)जन्म की तारीख13 जनवरी जन्म स्थानपटियाला, पंजाब (भारत)उपलब्धि - भारत के प्रथम अंतरिक्ष यात्रीपेशा देशपुरुष पायलट भारतराकेश शर्मा - भारत के प्रथम अंतरिक्ष यात्री ()राकेश शर्मा भारत के प्रथम अंतरिक्ष यात्री हैं। 02 अप्रैल, में उन्हें अंतरिक्ष यान में उड़ने और पृथ्वी का चक्कर लगाने का अवसर मिला था। वर्ष में भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन और सोवियत संघ के इंटरकॉसमॉस कार्यक्रम के एक संयुक्त अंतरिक्ष अभियान के अंतर्गत स्क्वाड्रन लीडर राकेश शर्मा आठ दिन तक अंतरिक्ष में रहे। वह 03 अप्रैल से 11 अप्रैल तक अंतरिक्ष में रहे थे।35 वीं राष्ट्रीय रक्षा अकादमी के पूर्व छात्र, राकेश शर्मा में एक परीक्षण पायलट के रूप में भारतीय वायु सेना में शामिल हुए और कई स्तरों से आगे बढ़े, जहां में उन्हें स्क्वाड्रन लीडर के पद पर पदोन्नत किया गया था। उन्हें 20 सितंबर को एक कॉस्मोनॉट बनने और भारतीय वायु सेना और सोवियत इंटरकोस्मोस अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रम के बीच एक संयुक्त कार्यक्रम के हिस्से के रूप में जाने के लिए चुना गया था। में, शर्मा अंतरिक्ष में प्रवेश करने वाले पहले भारतीय नागरिक बन गए, जब उन्होंने 3 अप्रैल को कज़ाख सोवियत सोशलिस्ट रिपब्लिक में बैकोनूर कॉसमोड्रोम से लॉन्च किए गए सोवियत रॉकेट सोयुज टी पर उड़ान भरी थी। सोयूज़ टी अंतरिक्ष यान में शर्मा सहित कॉस्मोनॉट ले गए थे। तीन सदस्यीय सोवियत-भारतीय अंतरराष्ट्रीय चालक दल को स्थानांतरित कर दिया, जिसमें जहाज के कमांडर, यूरी मलीशेव और फ्लाइट इंजीनियर गेनाडी स्ट्रेकलोव शामिल हैं, जो सैल्यूट 7 ऑर्बिटल स्टेशन पर हैं। ; If you liked SamanyaGyan, share with friends. short biography of rakesh sharma in hindi

Teo dornellas e juliana vieira biography

Juliana Vieira (Guitarist) - Age, Birthday, Bio, Facts, Family, Net Worth, Height MoreAbout Juliana VieiraGuitarist Juliana Vieira was born in Brazil on September 1, She's 30 years old today. She and the band Replace created a music video for her song"Hurricane" in September Her Instagram handle, julianavieiragt, has nearly , followers. teo dornellas e juliana vieira biography

Short biography writers

How to Write a Short Bio: 5 Examples and Templates A short bio is a concise and informative summary of your professional background, accomplishments, and personal interests. It;s an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to others, whether it;s for networking, job applications, or social media profiles. short biography writers

Sultan ahmed bin sulayem biography of alberta

Sultan Ahmed bin SulayemEmirati businessman (born )In this Arabic name, the surname is Bin Sulayem. Sultan Ahmed bin SulayemBornSultan Ahmed bin Sulayem (age;69;70)Dubai, UAEAlma;materTemple UniversityYears;activepresentTitleChairman amp; CEO, DP World Chairman, Hyperloop OneBoard member;ofSeven TidesChildrenAhmed Sultan Bin SulayemSultan Ahmed bin Sulayem (Arabic: سلطان أحمد بن سليم, born ) is an Emirati businessman. sultan ahmed bin sulayem biography of alberta

Dr jan felix hoffmann biography

Felix HoffmannGerman chemist, creator of aspirin and heroin ()For other people named Felix Hoffmann, see Felix Hoffmann (disambiguation). Felix HoffmanBorn21 January Died3 February () (aged;78)Felix Hoffmann (21 January ; 8 February ) was a German chemist notable for re-synthesising diamorphine (independently from C. dr jan felix hoffmann biography

No lo pienses mas nicky jam biography

Nicky JamNick Rivera Caminero (Lawrence, Massachusetts; 17 de marzo de ), más conocido por su nombre artístico Nicky Jam, es un rapero, cantante, compositor y productor musical colomboestadounidense de origen puertorriqueño. [1]; Desde adolescente comenzó a cantar y al realizar una actuación en un supermercado, llamó la atención de una señora, quien era cónyuge de un director ejecutivo de un sello discográfico, por lo que firmó un contrato de grabación y con catorce años, lanzó su primer EP titulado Distinto a los demás. no lo pienses mas nicky jam biography

Shoaib mansoor biography of martin

Shoaib MansoorWriter, Television amp; Film ProducerShoaib Mansoor (Urdu: شعیب منصور; born 4 February Karachi) is a Pakistani television and film director, writer, producer, lyricist and musician of Muhajir origin. 91;193;91;293;Active in the television industry since , when he produced one of PTV's first programmes to be aired in colours, the music show Jharnay,91;393; he first found success for composing and writing the song Dil Dil Pakistan in , thereby introducing Vital Signs musical band in mainstream Pakistani television. shoaib mansoor biography of martin

Batali biography mario

Mario BataliAmerican chef, writer, restaurateur and media personalityMario Francesco Batali (born September 19, ) is an American chef, writer, and former restaurateur. Batali co-owned restaurants in New York City; Las Vegas; Los Angeles; Newport Beach, California; Boston; Singapore; Westport, Connecticut; and New Haven, Connecticut, including Babbo in New York City, which received a Michelin star for several years. batali biography mario

Rachana parulkar biography of alberta

Rachana ParulkarIndian television actressRachanaa Parulkar is an Indian actress who works in Hindi television. She made her acting debut in with Saat Phere - Saloni Ka Safar portraying Savri Singh. rachana parulkar biography of alberta

Lorenz grollo biography of william shakespeare

William ShakespeareDownload Our Free Shakespeare Study GuideWho Was William Shakespeare?William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor of the Renaissance era. He was an important member of the Kings Men theatrical company from roughly onward. lorenz grollo biography of william shakespeare

Titian italian painter biography samples

TitianBornTiziano Vecelli Pieve di CadoreDiedAug. 27, (at age ) VeniceNationalityItalianMovementHigh RenaissanceFieldPaintingWorksView Complete WorksTiziano Vecellio, known as Titian in English, was born in the small alpine village of Pieve di Cadore, which is located near the Austrian border. titian italian painter biography samples

Giota griva biography sample

Giota Griva Biography Facts Giota Griva has been appeared in channels as follow: Michael Touratzidis TV, Giota Griva. Career of the Giota Griva started in . giota griva biography sample

Tsutomu tatsumi biography

Tsutomu TatsumiJapanese actor (born )Tsutomo TatsumiBornMarch Kansai, JapanNationalityJapaneseOccupationActorKnown;forGrave of the FirefliesTsutomu Tatsumi (Japanese: ; born March ) is a former actor from Kansai, Japan. His agency at the time was Actor Pro. tsutomu tatsumi biography

Hakeem belo osagie biography of alberta

Hakeem Belo-OsagieNigerian businessmanHakeem Belo-OsagieBorn (age;69;70)Lagos, NigeriaNationalityNigerianOccupationBusinessmanKnown;forChair of Metis Capital PartnersSpouseMyma Belo-OsagieChildrenYasmin Belo-OsagieHakeem Belo-Osagie is a Nigerian businessman. He is chair of Metis Capital Partners an organisation focused on brokering and delivering attractive, large-ticket transactions in Africa to select blue chip international investment partners. hakeem belo osagie biography of alberta

Egon schiele biography book

Egon Schiele: The Complete Works (Including a Biography and a Catalogue Raisonne) Reviewcolon; This monumental, gorgeous, two-part book, a biography and a catalogue raisonn, is the definitive tome on Egon Schiele (), who died at the impossibly tragic age of That a page volume is devoted to his oeuvre says something about his youthful accomplishments, which are rivaled perhaps only by those of Georges Seurat. Author Jane Kallir is the daughter of Otto Kallir, a Viennese art historian and dealer who emigrated to New York in and opened the Galerie St. egon schiele biography book

Gulraj behl biography of barack obama

Early life and career of Barack ObamaBarack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, was born on August 4, , in Honolulu, Hawaii91;193; to Barack Obama, Sr. () (born in Oriang' Kogelo of Rachuonyo North District,91;293;Kenya) and Stanley Ann Dunham, known as Ann () (born in Wichita, Kansas, United States). gulraj behl biography of barack obama

Elly ameling biography definition

Elly AmelingDutch sopranoElisabeth Sara "Elly" Ameling (born 8 February ) is a Dutch soprano, who is particularly known for lieder recitals and for performing works by Johann Sebastian Bach. Performing with distinguished pianists and ensembles around the globe, she was awarded various honours and recording prizes. elly ameling biography definition

Dinah bible biography

Who was Dinah in the Bible?AnswerDinah was the daughter born to Jacobfrom his first wife, Leah (Genesis ). When Jacob returned to his homeland after working for his father-in-law, Laban, for over 20 years, he settled in in a place called Shechem. dinah bible biography

Mary carmen catoya biography graphic organizer

Mary Carmen CatoyaNewsArts Ballet Theatre Of Florida Announces SeasonConcluding a spectacular season on June, and including the participation at The International Young Dancers Festival in Indonesia, Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida prepares its new season with four programs summoning the best of international ballet works. Photo Flash: Fire Island Dance Festival Breaks Records with Nearly K RaisedFire Island Dance Festival returned for its 21st edition July , , with some of the most talked-about world-class dance companies, raising a record-breaking , for Dancers Responding to AIDS, a program of Broadway CaresEquity Fights AIDS. mary carmen catoya biography graphic organizer

Burzis kanga biography

Burzis Kanga is a famous American professional tennis coach for the New Orleans Privateer. He has previously led several teams, among them the University of New Orleans tennis team. burzis kanga biography

Audu abubakar biography of mahatma gandhi

Abubakar AuduPrince Abubakar Audunbsp;was born onnbsp;October 27th,nbsp;, to the family of his Royal Highness, the late Pa Audu Oyidi, Orego Atta of Igala Land and the paramount ruler of Ogbonicha-Alloma in Ofu Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. Henbsp;was twice the Governor of Kogi state. audu abubakar biography of mahatma gandhi

Serguei beloussov biography of albert einstein

EditorialThe CEO of Acronis, a reputed global technology company, talks on the future of computers and opportunitiesUgyen PenjoreArtificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing. Sounds too technically sophisticated and way beyond comprehension?If that was what most in the audience felt when invited to a talk on Future of Computing, the guest speaker, Serguei Beloussov, left many convinced that the future is in science and technology. serguei beloussov biography of albert einstein

James g watt biography

James G. WattAmerican politician ()James Gaius Watt (January 31, May 27, ) was an American lawyer, lobbyist, and civil servant who served as U. james g watt biography

Teal swan biography template

Teal SwanAmerican spiritual influencer (born )Teal SwanSwan in BornMary Teal Bosworth () June 16, (age;40)Santa Fe, New Mexico, U. Occupation(s)Public speaker, authorWriting careerGenreSpiritualityWebsiteTeal Swan (born Mary Teal Bosworth; June 16, ) is an American spiritualinfluencer and author. teal swan biography template

Amina schmahl biography

Aminata Schmahl, professionally known as Amina Buddafly, is a German-born famous musical artist who rose to fame as one half of the Ramp;B duo 'Black Buddafly'. nbsp;She is more renown as one of the cast members of the VH1 reality show, 'Love amp; Hip Hop: New York (LHHNY)' and the ex-wife and baby mamma of rapper Peter Gunz. amina schmahl biography

Newfield colliery moira kelly biography

Moira KellyAmerican film actress. Date of Birth: Country: USAContent:Biography of Moira KellyEarly CareerCareer Shift and Personal LifeRecent WorkPersonal LifeBiography of Moira KellyMoira Kelly, an American film actress, was born on March 6, , in the United States. newfield colliery moira kelly biography

Sanja trajkovic biography of michael jordan

Michael JordanpresentLatest News: Michael Jordan Completes Sale of HornetsBasketball icon Michael Jordan officially sold his majority ownership in the Charlotte Hornets NBA team on August 3. The team was sold for an estimated 3 billion, more than 10 times the million Jordan purchased it for in The Hornets made the playoffs only three times under Jordans leadership. sanja trajkovic biography of michael jordan

Biography of rajah humabon story

Rajah HumabonOne of the chiefs of Cebu involved in the Magellan expeditionThis article may need to be rewritten to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards, as page needs proper analysis, some paragraphs here are not verified, there were no kingdoms like in the manner of Europeans, Indians, Chinese, and other Southeast Asians in pre-colonial Philippines, and pre-colonial Cebu was not confirmed to be primarily a Hindu-majority kingdom (otherwise, Pigafetta and succeeding chroniclers would have noted it) despite the occurrences of words of Indian can help. The talk page may contain suggestions. biography of rajah humabon story

Dewayne turrentine biography

Dewayne Turrentine is an American model, actor, and producer. He is recognized for works in movies like Surviving, The Evolving Gate, and Almost Home. dewayne turrentine biography

William bell author biography of suzanne

William Bell (author) facts for kidsQuick facts for kidsWilliam BellBorn()27 October Toronto, OntarioDied30 July () (aged 70)Orillia, OntarioOccupationTeacher, AuthorGenreChildren's LiteratureWilliam Edwin Bell (27 October   30 July ) was a Canadian author of young adult fiction, born in Toronto, Ontario. He lived in Orillia, Ontario. william bell author biography of suzanne

Biography of mithun chakraborty news 2014

Mithun Chakraborty Height, Age, Wife, Children, Family, BiographyReal NameGourang ChakrabortyNicknameMithun DaProfessionActor and Indian PoliticianPhysical Stats amp; MoreHeight (approx. )6' ( cm)Weight (approx. biography of mithun chakraborty news 2014

Kitty stieglitz biography

A Wet Day on the BoulevardBorn: Died: Movements and Styles: Camera Notes; Camera Work; Photo-Secession; carbon prints; gelatin sliver printsPhotography is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality. Alfred StieglitzBirthChildhoodEducationAlfred Stieglitz was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, in and was being schooled as an engineer in Germany. kitty stieglitz biography

W de kooning biography definition

Willem De KooningA leading artist and sculptor of the second half of the 20th century, one of the leaders of abstract expressionism. Date of Birth: Country: USAContent:Willem de Kooning: A Maverick in Abstract ExpressionismEarly Influences and Artistic EvolutionFigurative Abstractions and Expressionist InnovationsShifting Landscape and Late WorksCritical Acclaim and RecognitionWillem de Kooning: A Maverick in Abstract ExpressionismWillem de Kooning emerged as a leading figure in the abstract expressionist movement, shaping the art landscape of the midth century. w de kooning biography definition